Anglais - Vice-Rectorat de la Nouvelle-Calédonie

Flags and Anthems

Click on the flag to hear the anthem, then on the green arrow (top left) to return to this page. Important : Quicktime player is required


MP3 - 499.2 ko


MP3 - 430.8 ko


MP3 - 383 ko


MP3 - 1 Mo

The United-Kingdom

MP3 - 314.6 ko

The Republic of Ireland

MP3 - 471.9 ko

The American Samoa

MP3 - 501.3 ko

The Isle of Man

MP3 - 254.7 ko

The Cook Islands

MP3 - 373.1 ko

The Marshall Islands

MP3 - 777.5 ko

Mise à jour :
5 avril 2008

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